E-Way Bill Consultancy
Khandhar Mehta and Shah | E-Way Bill Consultancy

Electronic way bill (E-Way Bill) is a bill generated to enable transport of goods valuing more than INR 50,000.00 in a single invoice/bill under the GST regime.
Being one of the top CA firms in Ahmedabad, we always focus on giving our clients the best in class services that reflect our values and vision of transparency, flawless, and professional work. Visit our CA website to understand and know more about our services and our company. Choose us for your business as the best deserves the best.
We provide the following e-way bill consultancy services to our clients:
Understanding the requirement of e-Way bill
We provide e-way bill consultancy to our esteemed clients on the requirement for preparation of the e-way bill in the following conditions:
If the client company is taxable under GST and supplies any goods and the value of the consignment is above INR 50,000.00
If the client company is taxable under GST and transfers goods from one godown to another and the value of the consignment is above INR 50,000.00
If the client company is taxable under GST and buys any goods from a GST-unregistered person and the value of the consignment is above INR 50,000.00
Supporting in the generation of e-way bill
We assist our clients in the generation of e-way bills and management of the entire system to ensure the effective and efficient transportation of goods. As a part of our e-way bill consultancy services, we study the transactions of our clients and feed in the information of the common customers, suppliers, and transporters so that data can be quickly retrieved as and when required. Our e-way bill advisors and consultants make the process easier and simpler for you.
However, there is certain information that is required as a prerequisite to generate the e-way bill. These prerequisites include that the person who makes the e-way bill must be a registered person on the GST portal and must register in the e-way bill portal. If the person is a GST-unregistered person, registration on the e-way bill portal is essential. Information regarding supplier, transporter, tax invoice or bill of sale or delivery challan, and vehicle number is required.
Part A of the e-way bill requires the details on GSTIN of the recipient, place of delivery, invoice or challan number, the value of goods, HSN number, the reason for transportation, and transport document number. Part B of the e-way bill requires the details on the vehicle number in which goods are transported.
Assistance in cancellation of the e-way bill
Our e-way bill consultancy services also include assistance in the cancellation of the e-way bill. There are cases wherein the e-way bill is generated for the transportation of goods, but the transaction does not happen. There could be reasons like a failure in transporting goods or goods are not transported as per the details of the bill. In such cases, we help the clients to cancel the bill either on the portal or at the facilitation center.
Understanding of exceptions to e-way bill generation
As a part of our e-way bill consultancy services, we assist the clients in understanding the exceptions to the requirement for the e-way bill generation procedure under the GST laws. E-way bill is not required to be prepared for:

Transport of goods as specified in the CGST Rules, 2017

If the consignment is less than INR50,000.0

For the movement of goods within such areas as mentioned in the SGST Rules 2017 of the respective state

If goods are transported by a non-motorized conveyance

For goods that are transported to the container freight station or inland container depot from airport, land customs station, air cargo complex, and port for clearance by customs
Why KMS?
Clients select KMS as e-way bill consultancy services provider for the following reasons:
KMS handle all the confidential data of clients, such as type of transactions, volume, value, GST details, and many more with no sharing of details with anyone.
our clients say
trust.  transparency.  professional expertise.

frequently asked questions(faqs)
• Web-based system
• GST Suvidha provider
• SMS-based facility
• Site-to-site integration
• Android app
• Bulk generation facility